42 Public Works Drive, Oxford, AL 36203

7:00 am - 3:30 pm Monday- Friday

Phone: 256-831-9685    Fax: 256-835-6141


Kristi Durham
(256) 403-2898
Email:  kristi.durham@oxfordal.gov

Joey Stay
(256) 831-9685
Email: joey.stay@oxfordal.gov


Chris Callahan
(256) 831-9685
Email:  chris.callahan@oxfordal.gov


Lexi Smith
(256) 831-9685
Email: lexi.smith@oxfordal.gov

Angie Craft
(256) 831-3183
Email:  angie.craft@oxfordal.gov


Business Licenses


Each person, firm, corporation, or other business entity must obtain a City of Oxford business license prior to conducting business activity in the City of Oxford. The license year is January 1 through December 31. Business license renewals are due January 1 and delinquent after January 31 each year.  Proof of State certification is required for certain classifications. For additional license information, call (256) 831-3183 or fax (256) 835-6141. A license application can be downloaded from this site. Please click below to find our business license application.

Building Codes

  • 2015 International Building Code
  • 2015 International Plumbing Code
  • 2015 International Mechanical Code
  • 2015 International Property Maintenance Code
  • 2015 International Fuel Gas Code
  • 2015 International Fire Code
  • 2014 National Electric Code
  • NFPA 101 ( 2015 Addition)
  • 2015 International Existing Building Code

To purchase a code book, contact the International Code Congress at (205) 591-1853 or 1-800-786-4452.

The local address for ICC is 900 Montclair Rd., Birmingham, AL 35213 or you may contact them via internet at http://www.iccsafe.org/.

If you have questions regarding interpretation or application of the codes, contact the Building Official for Oxford at (256) 831-9685.



Permit Application

 Please click the link to fill-out online or you can print a paper copy and return it to our office. For a demolition permit application or a sign permit application, please see below.

Commercial Sub-Contractor’s Form

For all commercial jobs in the City of Oxford, you will need to fill out a Commercial Subcontractors Form and return it to our office.  Please click the link to fill-out online or you can print a paper copy and return it to our office.


Residential Sub-Contractor’s Form

For residential jobs in the City of Oxford, you will need to fill out a Residential Subcontractors Form.  Please click the link to fill-out online or you can print a paper copy and return it to our office.


Fee Schedule

For the City of Oxford Building Department’s Fee Schedule, please see the links below.  Please note that there are two separate schedules: one for Residential property and one for Commercial property. If you question the permit fee amount, please contact the Oxford Building Department at 256-831-9685 and we will be glad to assist you in the correct permit fee amount.


**Please note that as of October 1, 2016 the Alabama Department of Finance requires that the City of Oxford collect an additional $1.00 on every $1,000.00 on Commercial properties.  For questions regarding the permit fee on Commercial properties please call the Oxford Building Department at 256-831-9685 and we will be glad to assist you.



The Building Services Department issues all zoning letters along with any zoning information you might need for your property. Please check and understand the zoning before purchasing or leasing property.  The zoning could affect the ability to proceed.  Please call with questions.  This is a free service.

You may view the zoning map on the City website or come in person to our offices located at 42 Public Works Drive. Our phone number is 256-831-9685.

For the zoning ordinance for the City of Oxford please see Municipal Code on the city’s website listed in Appendix A.


If you are opening a business or changing your business location - please fill out the inspection form to check the property's zoning. We suggest you check the property's zoning and get an inspection before purchasing or leasing.

The link below will show you our zoning map and allow you to zoom in or out to get a closer look. This map was last updated August of 2024 and is our most current map.

The link below will show you the city limits (not the zoning). This map was last updated July of 2024.

On September 26, 2017, the Oxford City Council adopted a new Zoning Ordinance for the City of Oxford. Please click the link below to view the new ordinance.

Municipal Code

Please use the link to access The City of Oxford Municipal Code.

Proposed Pre-Zoning and Rezoning Application

If you are interested in rezoning or annexing your property into the City of Oxford, please complete the form below online or print it and return it to the Building Services Department. A property deed with a legal description must accompany the application. The application must be submitted 18 days before a meeting or by Friday (March 14, 2025).

Board of Adjustments

The Board of Adjustments meets the first Monday of each month at 5:00 p.m. in the Building Services Conference Room at 42 Public Works Drive, Oxford, AL 36203. Items discussed are requests for variances, special exemptions, and anyone appealing the Code Officials ruling on any given subject. This is an open meeting to the general public, and anyone is welcome to attend to speak for or against any of the items on the agenda. If you have any questions, you may contact Kristi Durham at 256-831-9685, Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

The deadline to be placed on the Board of Adjustments agenda is 17 days before the meeting or by Friday, (March 21, 2025).

If you are interested in appealing the Zoning Ordinance to the Board of Adjustments you can fill out the form below online or print the form and return it to the Building Services Department.

Planning Commission

The Oxford Planning Commission meets the first Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. at the Oxford Public Works Building, 42 Public Works Drive unless otherwise advised. The meeting is open to the public. The agenda for the meeting is posted on the bulletin board in the Building Services office at 42 Public Works Drive for public viewing Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.  If you have any questions or would like an application for rezoning, information on submitting plat maps, or to be placed on the agenda, please call (256) 831-9685.

Items discussed are planning and zoning issues.  This is an open meeting for the general public; anyone is welcome to attend.  The deadline to be placed on the agenda is 18 days prior to the meeting or by Friday (March 14, 2025).

Any subdivision plats must be turned in 30 days in advance for pre-application review.


Planning Board


Planning Board Special Called Meeting Agenda April 1, 2025